Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.I.Ó. c..! CommenMrie upon the 776 htinihersmuf 6c araied with robes ofhoh- netre, rer.,.s. 'fad. This vertue was lively and largelyfha- dowed out in the oldTea/. i [.Leu tobe cloathed with thefe lobes of holineffe, both that inward which flandeth in getting andkeeping faith and good confcience , & that out- ward which confitleth in a religious and flriSS courle of life.Andyet this moil not be fo taken , as that holines is foeffentiall toe minifler, as that he cannot be a Minitier that wanteth it: for Iudasmay be adifcipleand a deuill too: but that it is a dangerous eflate veto himfeife,and hurtfull to others for him tobe deflituteof it. How neceffaty it is for men toput off their {hoes, that is,their vnfanElified lulls and afkeElions, before they come to (land vpon fuch holyground , I will take a little paines out Of the Scriptures to demonflrare,and thenmake forcevfc of it, To omit theextraordinary miniflery and Miniflers of the old Teíls- ment,as the Prophets,fome ofwhom were fanElified in the wombe,and others had their lippes touched with a coale from thealtar to remooue their pollution: the ordinary Miniflers in the fanEluary and temple were I . Leuites, z.Priíefls,3.thehigh Pricfl.Many things were required in the g fettin apart to their feruice thelowefl ofthefe, which were after a fort furthefl retnootted fromGod, whole feat was in the Sanauarie:but ma- ny more to the fanetificari on of the higher , and thofe that approached nearer or next ofall. As, firfi the Leuites were inferiour to the Priefls, as whole officewas to ferue vnder them, to help to carrie the taberna- cle andvtenfils of it, to keepe watch for the fafetie of it , together with the holyveffels & inllruments;toheipe them in killing the beafls for fa- crifice,although theymight not meddleinoffering themvoto the Lord: yea as inferiours to the fuperiors, they paid veto thePriefls the tenth of their tenths. And yet what a number ofritess &ceremonies did the Lord enioyne to be performed,before thefe could he admitted to thefe inferi-' our feruices,fire in the tabernacle,and after in the Temple? As,firfl they mutt be ofone peculiar tribe, peculiar by Gods owne eleôlion for the firtl borne ofall Ifrael, Numb.3.t 3. z.\Vhereas the congregationwas not numbred but from zo.yeares old and aboue, Num.'. 3. for till then they were not apt to goeto warre: the Leuites mull be numbred euery male from a moneth old and abone, Num.3.15. not becaufe they were then fit for feruice; but that theymuff then be brought before the Lord, and let apart to his feruice euen from the beginning of their dayes. 3. Theymull not be prefented before theLord before the 3 3. day of their ago, for till then they were legally impure and vnfan&ified , Leu.t 2.3. but after this time they mull growe on to the thirtiethyeare, which was the firtl yeare ofthis feruice , Numb,4.43. at which time they mull be taken from among the children ofIfrael,and let apart to the Lord,Num. 8 6. And further in this feparation there were two things more ; for 7. they muff be purged,and thenconfecrated,Their purificationwas, t. by fprink-