Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

9 Rom.a6.17. 1.Cor.a. a.Cot., o. GaLL6. Erb 4.14. CololL1.4.8 a,ThciGa.a. Theoecifon ofthe Epijrle; Epiftles is clearely gathered;but alto in thisChurch,planted byhimfelfe sci the IleofCreta, now calledCandy : for Satans rage containeth not it felfe in the continent, nor contemnech a conqueft again(¡ the Church in fuch a fmall ¡land as this is. And therefore no fooner was Pas! departed hence(although he left Tawbehind him to further the worke)but Satan thrulleth in corrupt teacher!, force erroneous in doftrine, others in life, fcandalous; both of them exceeding iufe&ious : force of them feeking the ouerthrow of thedoétrine,others ofthe gouernment of the Church eftablithed: others would for the honour ofthe feruant, defpile the Son, by ioyning c.96fores and Chrift together:all of them difioyned the profef- fion andpra&ife ofpietie;and by this meanes peruerted many,and drew them into their owne detsru&ion. Our Apo! le therefore wrote this E- piftle torus(, a. That hemight authorize and backe him in his Mlnilte- rie, againft fuch as might otherwife carrie themfelues.contemptuoufly towards him. s. That lice might dire&him in redrefliug and reprelling fuch difordersas beganne to preuaile:.for which end he bothdefcribeth what manner ofperfons he fhould place Teachers ouer the congregati- ons; as allowhat do&rinehe wouldhave himparticularly apply to eue- rie degree and condition of men ; that by the fufñcieucieof the former, the falfe teachers might be foyled; and by the euidence of the latter, all forts ofmen might be fenfed, and out of danger of corruptionby them. 3. Becaufe Tito was young{as it feemeth) he teachethhim how toCar- rie his whole do&rine,how to order his life, how to deale with the tra- &able, how allo withobftinate offenders,who ftudied rather parts, and how to becontentious, then how to content themlelues with the limpie truth : and fo fhutceth the Epiflle with fonte perfonall matters, and the Apoflolicail falucatiion. The parts of the EpiJile. This Epifile containeth threeparts : t. The falutation, in the 4. firfi': vertes. 2. The narration,orpropofition ofthe matter ofit:fromthe S.ver.ofthe r.Chap.vncothe endofthe at ,ofthe 3.chap. 3 , The Conciufron, containingTomeprivate butinesenloy. nedTi:u,:and theordinarie falutation ofthe Apoftle. CHAP. L.