Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpißkofS. PaultoT itiee. leffe tnaketh the flraight wayes of God vnequall. For maynot he doe with his ownsat hee will? who art thou that darefldifputewith God? that -prefumeft toprefcribe laws to thy Maker; that be fhould dealt with one man thus, or with another otherwife?or who hath fpoiled him ofhis fo- ueraigntieoucrhis creatures ? Ifthou cana not found this depth of the ri. cherof Ibis wiredomeand knowledgeof God, acknowledge then how vn- fcarchable arc his ludgements, andhow his wayes are pall findingout. Cauill not at what thou canal not conceiue, but admire ir. Vfe. This fir ft conclufion teacheth vs , i. To make lure our owne e- leetion , and Phew our (clues unto others tobee of this fmall number: namely,by holy andvnblameable walking, by daily flying the corrupti- on that is in the world throughlull; by the daily waking and purging our felues from our old finnes ; and by the fludie ofrightcoufneffe , be- coanmingve(fells ofhonour,preparedunto euery good worke. a.It confirmeth u againfi the fcandal which is common in the world, wherein mo(ì men beleeue not , moll men repent not, nay, fcorne them that doc:at which we may not flumble,feeing that fome,yea the moll are refufed: there muff be in entry corner fuch as areblinded vnto dcf}rutii- on. Iris the Fathcrsg..dp1e4fKTetITeul$Atethc things of the kingdome to a few babes, but tobide themfrom themoll of the Trip and prudent of the world. A few are giueavnto the Sonne, and brought in due lesion vnto the faith,and manymore are deliuercd vp vatoSatan to haue the eyes of theirmindes further blinded, that fo they might iufllyperifh in their in- fidelitie. I. Hence we muableffe God who bathchofen vs, that he might put a difference betweenevs and others;whereashe found no filchdifference in vs, who were the childrenofwrathat well as others : he chofe vs ( not when we were, but) that we might be holyand vnblameable , Ephef. 1. 14. that from the firf} to lafl,in our faluation all the glory might be his : yea that our ioy might be more full , and our glorying in Godmore firme andcheerefull, he bath made knowne vetovs, that bceing eleEted , we are lure ofour haPpincffe ::fornothing (hall be able to pluck! vsout of his hands. The fecond conclufionis,that the ele6I haue afaith bythemfelues,be- ing here called thefaith ofGods flea.: where by faith,is not meant the do- éìrine offaith,as lude3. Contendfor the faith once given : and r.Tim. r :Out rather the gift of faith,wherebywe rndcrfland,and imbrace that doé}rine : neither is euery gift of faith here meant. For there is i. an h/.ricallfaith, (landing in an agent andacknowledgement of the truth ofthings written , and taught. a. There is alto an bypooriricaUfaith, whichpaf eth the former in twodegrees. Firl+, in that with knowledge and Ranh.;). Hph,r.y. a,Pear.4.an a.Tim.aaa. a,Cor,q.}.