Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epíflle a S, Paulto Titus. i.HAp.I.3, who were called ofmen, but not ofGod, t'fe. 3.1n all other callings let men be afíuredthey haue Gods war- rant, both in the lawfulnesof the callings thernfelues, and in their holy ex:. tcifeof them; palling through them daily inthe exercife offaith and repentaace;not forgettingdaily to fancuifie themby theword and pray- er. DoEtr. 3. Mini acts may andought tobe more or leihe in the con}men= dation oftheir calling, as thenature, and nece,ticieof the people towhó theywrite or fpeake do require. As the Apotiie,heremagnifieth hisau- thoritie in that he is a (eruant of God : a. an Opoleof Iefus Chain: 3. that he received his Apofilefhip by commiffronand commaundernent of Chrifi himfelfe:and c..all this while bath by fundryother arguments am- plified the excellencie of his calling : the reafon ofall which is not fo much to perfwade7ittu,whowasbefore fufficiently perfwadedofit;but partly for the Grecians fake, that theymight the rather entertaine this Dolitine,fo commended in the perfon ofthe bringer:andpartly becaufe many in this Ile, lifted vp therïsfelues againft himand Tittu, asmen thru- fting in their fickle, into other mens fields toobully; or elle ifthey had acalling, yet taking too much upon them, both in correcting diforders, andefiablifhing fuch nonelties among them,as heft likedthem:fo as here beeing todeale againfifalfeApofiles, peruerfepeople , anderronious do&rines (as in theEpifile we (hall further fee) he is more prolixe and lofty in his title: otherwife wherehe met not with fuch firong oppofiti- on,he is more fparing inhis titles as in the epifiles to the Coloff.Theffal. &c. So was it the pride of the falle Apofiles that made him fay, By the grace ofgod, /am that Iam: and, that grace of his which as in meWas not in vaine: and, they are Minigers, I aria more in labours, moreabundant, &?'c. T'fe. In our dales when the bafefi.ofinen account fo bafeiy of theMi- niflerie, as the molt abiehi, and defpifed calling; will it not be thought very feafonable toinfift.vpon theiufi excellencie and dign:tie. of this calling?can it be thought vnegnál,ifwe take more care the vfual offree- ing it from contempr,which is more then euer?The faithful! Minihersof Chrifi can, and doe thinke as bafely ofthemlelues,as anyman can thinke or fpeake of them : and if they aduance their calling, it is not pride, nor pleaCure voto them; but they are compelled vnto it: as Paul , Iwas afoole toboaffófayfelfe , butyeeenencompelled mee. O.hers doe it becaufe their loue to the ordinance of God doth confiraine them : others confidering how the world was drowned for defpifing Noah andhis Miniflerie; and how God departed from hisowne Citie and houle at Ierufalem,becaufe they defpifed his Prophecs,andmockedhis meffengers:and fearing leafs the likebefall our Church and land for the Came finne mof profitably D 4 and 55 1.11,24.4. Miniflers may be more or lei e-inthe commendsrion of their calling, as theirpeople be. r.Cor.rsao. a.Cor4t,1a. a. Coraa,r t.