Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

(iHAP.i.4. 56 GaL4.a4. t.ThctGS.ta.t;. aotrmvótaÿ aut. ep}ót. Calling to grace.altoge- ther. tree. LdCommentarie upon the and iutlyboth by wordand writingmagnifie this funéïion.lfmen were like the Galatians, who would haueplucked out their eyes for Paul, and receiued him like anangel, yea and Chrif} himfelfe : if men would know them that labour in word and doEtrine among them, tohaste them infugular lone fortheir workes fake; then where we labour to magnifie, wewould andmight endeauour to abateour felues,and become weak to the weak, . and all things toall men :but to free Gods ordinancefrom contempr,we may and muff challengefilch titles, as the Lordbath honoured vs with- all , who bath for our encouragement flyled vs by theRewards of his houle, difpofers ofhis ferrets, disburfersof his trcafutes, keepersofhis keyes and leale, embaffadors, angels. v. 4. To Thusmy naturaliforaneaccording to the commonfaith ; Haug fpokenof theperfonfaluting,whofe high calling bath hitherto detained vs :Now are we come to theperfonfaluted:and fq afterward are to proceede to the formeof the falutation it Idle; bothof them beeing contained in this 4. ver. The perfon fainted towhometheEpi file was weiten, is defcribed, firfi, by hisname, Titiló: fecondly by atitle of relation, c tiry forme accor- diug to the common faith ; thirdly, by the adiundt ofkit fnceritie,my natural' fount. Firfi, forthe name: It fheweth him to be an heathen,or Gentileborn: by nation a Grecian, Gal. 2.3. of heathenparents and education, for at this time hewas vncircnmcifed : and it isprobable that he remained fo untohis death': yet filch a. one as was without God in theworld,without Chrif, without hope, is begort ,en by theGofpell, not onely to be a be- leeuer, but to fiiceritie in the faith:and thus he bummed) a trueTitus, that is, trod/ honourable; yea fo farre honoured , as that he was a cheile. pillar andinlirument in theChurch, and much employed in the Chur- chesaffaires by the Apofiles themlelues. What an vndeuided compani- onof Pawls he was inhisperegrinations and trauells appeare:h, Gal. z. I. what great delight Paul had in him, 2.Cor,7.6. how be vfedhim as a Legate vinodiuerleChurches, and betrufted himwith the gatheringof the almes:for the poore Cchrifiians in ludes, 2.Cor.8.6.16. how he gra- cethhimwith the titleof acompanió , and a fellow-helper in the Lords bufincffe, ver. 23. yeahevouchfafeth him thetitle of a brother, z. Cor, 2. s 3. nay more, iof that which is much nearer, mien of a f nne in this place. Deîtr. Note hence thefreedom', and porn.of Gods. calling to grace. For what merit or dignitie? what worksofpreparationappeared in Ti-il beeing of heathen parents , countrie, and education, whereby he fhould be railed to fuch feruices,fo.neerevnto God ?or what worthines was