Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epi/lleof S.Pdulto Titus. CHAP.I.sy fpe& and reuerence receiue him thus highly commended. ;. todiffin. 65 gui(h Titus from fome ocher of his tonnes , whoa while fathered them- felues vpon him, but after falling from the faith, prooued but bafl:ards, andcounterfeit, as Hymeneus, `Philetut, Alexander : Titan was not fuch amie, nor Timothy, fee i.Tim. r. a. Dear. a. In that the ApoRle powrethnot out his commendation of wemull be Titus, neither this but vpon good ground:obferuehowwaryeuery man wary whomwe thould beboth whome,and co what ende, andhow farce they commend hew o another, and yet this more elpecially, if their iudgement be required or (acctw. eiieemed. Thus Pass! commendeth Titus, r. onewell known tobe wor- thy , and not out of partialicie : z. for a goodend ; the benefit of the Church,thathis perfon and doctrine might bemore loulaglyembraced: and that this washis ende appeareth, z.Cor.8. z 3. If any enquire ofTitus, he is my helper andfellowe: or ofour brethren, they aremeffengers of the Chur- ches, whereforePhew towards them the proofeofyour lose: 3. hecommendeth him fparingly, and is not lauifh beyond the truth : neither is he generals in fuch elogycs, for fcarce any ellebut Timothy receiued fuch a teRimo- nie from him. Vfe. In this Seedploc of theminiferie, whence young Tituffesare to be commendedvnto thevfe of the Church:it flandech thofe inhand,who are to difmiffe thewith lettersTeRimoniall, not hand otter head to glue a rafh te[timonic toeuery one that requireth ic;but know the party to be worthy,andone who (hall not be found inferiour to the teflimony given ofhim:not becaufe he is a friend or kin lman,orone whom thon would(} p.eferre, neither for forme or fafhion; but becaufe herein thou (halt di: charge a good dutie in faith to God, and his people. Reafonr. r. Becaufe the iudgement of men in the places ofMal3ers & Letterstetti- Fellowes of Colled es aremuch efleemed and rel ed on. 2. it is a mat- mnn,au nog to fi , y be giucn ra(hly, ter of much moment , to commend a man to be let ouer a people :for why. which fun&ion the Apo(ileasketh, who isfsfcient? 3. the letting to a rafh hand here, is as the rafh laying on ofhands;which finite the ApoRle forbiddethTimothy,not only in hisowne perlon, but euen the commu- nication with it in the perlons of other men. 4. this rd(hnefle draweth not onely thy (elfe into the finnealfalfewitnefle bearing, and that a- gainR the Church:but allo it draweth others into the fame, as Patrons, Prelates, beeing the collaters and inftitucers to benefices: bcfdes,it is a confirming of the infuffrcient partie himfelfe in his infuf{iciencie, and a fpeciall patron of idleneffe; Peeing euery infufficient perlonby friends or fauonr, may procure an ordinarie forme;andbe as far commended as the diligent hand. All thofe reafons, betides theexample of our ApoRle, thould prouokeour care in this,which is more then a matter ofordinary E r favour: