Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.I.4. t1 Commentarie von the 64 Studietokeep faisvnicieof faith. i.cor.4.6.rs. Phitero.:c: Mat.z.re. 1.Per.3.7. view. .erliTi yáaae y' "°"' why, u pnxeaddeed. Vfe z. If the faith be but one, we mu(} all then Rudy to keépe the vnitie offaith in the bond of loue, which is the Apoftlescolleétion on the fame ground, E hef. weou htfoto com ofe our affeótions g P 4 î 4 P n as we may go out with one heart , and on mind in the profeflìonof this one common faith,whichmakethcommunion betweene the highea and lower, rich and poore, mailer and feruant, Preachers and people: for in Iefus Chria all are one, lew and. Gentile, bondand free: Paul was riot, his father in the faith; but yet thiscommon faith made him his fellow & brother, a.Cor.8.23. fo hecalleth himfelfe thefatherof theCorinthians, and yet themhis brethren : as Onefimus a pooreCentaur, by verrue ofthis common faith, became the fonne of Paul, and yet his faithful! and be- louedbrother: foashowfoeuer in earthly relation, wee haue our diffe- rence, and inequalitie;yet in regardof this common faith,beleeuers may fay (as they in theProphet) wee haue all onefather,andonemother,yea one meare, and cloath, one education, and one inheritance. The Minifrer trtufl therefore fo acknowledge himfelfe afather , as that he is a fonne too; foa Teacher, as that he bee adiligent hearerand entertainer of thedoCrine alto. TheMaf}er mua not forget he hasha mailer in hea- uen, and that his feruant in regard of the common faith , is or may bee his fellow feruant ; and ifhebe a religious feruant, he mull be counted more then a feruant, euen an Onefimtsr, a brother in the Lord. The Ma- gifirate mua fo rule, as a fubieC vnder Chrifi, and not altogether Band on authoritie ; but cafean eievpon the common faith. The hus- band muff not altogether nand on his headfhippe, but like a man of kzow1edge dwell withhie wife, as one who is with him aioyntheyreof the life ofgrace: and fo inother relations. Which confideration,were it ob- ferued , it would cut off muchdfcomfort in families cities , focieties, Church and commonwealth :it would keepe men from offering occafi- ons ofvnbrotherly fltileand contention ,as we fee in Abrahamand Lot; it would caufe them to forgiue and forget old iniuries, as lofeph, Gen. 5o. t 7. if they would conceiue that they are all brethren in the faith. The third point in the words,is to confider ofthe adiunCoffinceritie by whichTitus is commended, my natural!fonne. that is,not illegitimate, or baleborne; but my rightfull,true,and (aswe fay) lawfully begotten forme, one that both relembleth my felfe, and is a right follower of me. The fame word is vied, a, Cor. 8.8. where the Apofile perfwadeth the Corinths, to the cherefull releefe of the poore brethren in Iudes, by this reafon that hemight trie thenaturalnes of their loue. Which cont- mendationwas ofgood vfe : z. for Titus hisencouragement, whome fo great an A offle foe(leemed: z. that the Cretians might with morere- fp_E