Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Follow Chrift) Jherein. {hined \ikewife many wayes. r. In his humility, meekne£fe, . patienc·e, and gentleneffe beyond . :t . _ all example. For firtl:,being in the forme ofGod, and ·equall to his C' Father, yet he cam.eto ferve, and not to be ferved. So lowly, that he difdain·ed not to wafu his Difciples feet , .even J udaifes~ !ohn 1 3. and hee will have 'ev~ry one ·· look on this glaffe : If I h~ve -wafoetl JOHr feet , JOU muJf "ii?tfo bile anotherJ Jut, that is, fl:oup to the.! lowefr fervices one ofanother :'j and, Learne of me :for I am lowly · 1 and meek!, Mat.I t • 2 9·• and Phi!. . 1 2.~. Let the fame minde he in you·, · · \!Phich was alfo. in Chrift Jefm·~ But alas 1've f\:rive to go one be- _ fore another in pride, and taking i honour , . becaufe the m in de o · ·chrifr is not in us. Secondly,fo patient .was hee, that when hee.J could have reveaged his en~· _mies, who came to apprehend~· JohniSJ'. him, hee firu~ke. them all to the . ' grou»tt r -_ __ __....._.,.------~__,_...,.