Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Flytng in per[ecu1ion. ,qui.vocation))pealing & difcove- , ring the brethren, or the ·I,k-e. ·Here a man mufl abide the will .ofGod, who bath ca-lled him to fiand out, aaddo no evill to fave ·his life•. Second ly,.when a man is in hand or hold under the cufl:ody of the Magifl:rate, though unjufily profecutecl,he may not break pr.i(on, nor ufe violence; but obey the Magiilrate in unjull: fufferings,a1waies counting~ it thllnk:;worthy ttJ endur~ griefo for G 0 n · and - Chrifr wrongfullj, I ~et.2.19 .. , Q_ueft But what if the prifondoore be lefc open,as fometime it may be,or hath been? · An[.IfGod open adoore, this is not <J breakingofprifon.T11e A. · p;.>fl:les ( Afls 5.19 .) ufed no vio- : lence to get out; but when the ·~ Angel .opened thedoor,they went . a.way & A.bifred for themfelvs: & , thu.s not. themfelves only,but the Church was preferved in the n1. Now1