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in p~rfocution. 3. If avoiding private refpeds (as loofing himfelfe from duty, or out of exceffive feare ihifting for himfelfe) .bee ayme diretlly at the furthering of Gods g1ory., and Chrifts Kingdome :-for it is a rule,i11 w hieh w ifdom & confcience mufl: over-rule. ' Jf it may mc.ke more for Gods· glory to , Bie,flie;ifto ftay1fiay:thus feeking· Gods Kingdom in the firfl: pla.ce• .Q.u1l-.But how prove you,that fuch may flye? , Anj.By t!.le commandement & praCl:"ice ofChrift himfelfe, M~tt. I·O. 2 ~. If they per:focHteJOU in ene · ci-ty-,ftie intBanother: and fo himfelfe did. Hee could ~by miracle have Caved himfelfe;but for us he .· would rather humble himfelf by · flying,Matth.. r2.15 .And,he was . now as fi:rong in fpirir,& as ready , to dye,as he was afterwards :but · Gods titne was not yet come. So did the ApofHes. Paul be~ ing perfecuted at Damafcus, was · · . 1et