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FlyiNg in perfecution. let downe by a basket, and fent to Tarfu~, At!J 9· The commandement(Rtv.l8. 4.) flie oHt •f her my people, is of force hereunto. He'would.rather have commanded t0 fl:and out the perfecutions of Antichrifl:, if it had been unlaw full to flye. · · After Chrift: wee reade of A- . thanafius that great 1ight of the -world , how being,infinitely ,hal!" ted & pn~fued by the Arrians, he was forced to hide himfelfe·for fixe yecrs in a deep pit,wherehe faw no fun; which he would not have endured,but to have preferved the Churoh in himfelfe,waiting the time which <God after.. ward gave him at Alexandria many yeers to bee the only hammer ofArrians. The ,fame of many faithfull men in ~eene l\1aries daies fly. ing beyond fea, who were happily revoked to the great glory of God , and ufe of the Church, in the E.ufev.l.ro. c.r8.Trip. hifl.l.5 ·'·3·