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winning oftheworld. 141 ----------------------------~ periih .And the foul cannot be but l loll:,when he is offended,,vho can f caft: both fou1 and body into hell. Luk.u.;. Or what recompenr;e foal/ a mAn ~ive in exchange for his foul!Tfhat · 1~, no exchange can conntervaile the loffe, nothing in the \Vorld can redeeme the foule: as'ifhee had faid·, Devife what you can, all the world cannot, nor can a thoufand worlds redeenie a loft foule :And therefore, as theloffe is the greateft, fo it is moft irrecoverable, and impoffible to bee made up againe. Now fomething is obferva- Nores ble: t.OLlt ofthemannerof pro- from the • m:mner o pound1mg: l.Oat of the matter propoun. propounded. . ding this The maner of propounding is by \ truth. a. continued interroglltion: which not onely .carrieth in it more firength .than an ordinary neg11ti.. on' but fi:irreth .up the hearer to ponder & wel weigh the inatrer, as ifhe_w~r.e togive his judgment · and