Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

------------------------~ T.Yinninc~ oj'the world. 1 1 is, I have weaned my felfe from 1 1 the defire of all fuch worldly · contents, as naturall men make their only portion ;.yea,I am eve.r dead to fu·ch defires. This then is the meaning :Suppofe one man could gain all the \Vorld, and ho . nours;& pleafures that all men on earth joyntly or feveralJy have, yet wha,t is it to the fou1es loffe? Gaine of I 2 Jn the gainingGftht: \VOtld is tbh world, included, 1. A right & title.l.Pol- • ar. fefii.on & hold.j.Fruition & content. '4· A certainty of holding the whole. For all thefe goe to a cleare gain :.yet were all this, no~ thi!1g tD the loffe of the fouie. . And hJ[e hi& foule.l That is, and lofe himfelf:for fo S.Luke expref.. feth it,ch.9.• 2; .If he deftroJ or loft himftlfe. And fo by an ordinary l Hebrajfm the foule is put for the Gell·4'·l7 I whole perfon:Seventj (uulu lr'Cnt I downe into Egypt, that is,feventy J .perfons.And the foulecannot bee )loll:, but the .whole perfon mufi -------------------------~eriili.