Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

/ for g"ine,andbaw. 165 I felves,& are well <Conceited ofby others,becaufe they are nch? but ifeither themfelves or .others fliould fee ho\vfarr:e offfalvadon they are by .means oftheir riches, ·they would foon change the~·r note and tninde: And why may they not fee this -? Is not the Word adead letter to thetn , or choaked in them ? Is not ChrHl: kept out, & I:Jis Spirit beaten out by the god of the world?Are not religious duties laid afide?& they fo much ·the more. forgetfitll of 1God, as he is mor-e bountifull toward them? Is there not as much crop ofthe feed fowne in a thicket, ora thorne hedge,as of fruits ofgrace frotn them? Likewifeit may moderate ou-r Ufe 3· farrows in a~fl.it'tions, in loffes,& in the bitter futfrings here below: feeing ther-eby the Lord weaneth us from the world, and from the loveofthofethings \vhich are(o _dangerous to our felves.Well we _ may