Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Mttny lo[etheir foultJ world before their chiefe joy,fet their hearts upon it, doat upon ic, their thoughts runn~ firfl: and laO:,and all day long after it, w·ith unwearied delight and comfort? when in the meane time they baniili thoughts. of ·Cbrtfi:, of their treafure, portion, and country in -heaven . Ho-\v doe moft men feare the k>ffe of the world, more thanthe lolfe of Gods fa- ·vour, their foules>and falvat-ion? How clbe they more gr~e,re and farrow in a trifling lotTe of ~he world,than when byTtt.:Jne Gods favour and the grace of Chrifi: is - forfeited >. · 3· Thirdly, how do tlie fpeeches - of men bewray them to bee worldlings? and if the fpeech be 1 M.tt.U·34 · d.CCtJrding to the AUnndance tJf the heart, Chrifl hath fmdl roome · there. Efo. 32. 6. the niggard [pea'<f ofniggf'rdlineffe: and r Joh . . 4·). The) fpeak$ of the world, and the w~rld he~~tth them. But how : long