Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

for the world. right, o(perhaps· are fee-ed on both fides, by one to fpeake, . by the other to hold their peace,.or asgood. · Secondly, tradefmen that ufe faHe weights, meafures, words,. wares fophifl:icall and infuffici~ ent: as many who rife by coufenag.e,and the craft oftheir trades, by lying or f\vearing : or by t.rickes in bargaining abufe the' ·fim.plicitie or neceffitie of tnen:. efpecially by promife breaking., .and Gipperineffe in ccntral'ls ;and b}~ breaking up their e!l:ate to de- .. fraud men, _flnd cfteate their Creditors :·an horrible theft, and an arrow fhot lately from ·hell to· the overthrow ofmany:they wil' . be fure ofa rich bootie, th•t fliall make them Gentlemen-theeves ever after, \V hen their poore f'e1- . lowes, who nev·er did halfe fo much hurt,goe to the gallu\VS. Thirdly, in the fame fort and ranke ar.e Painters,that·rnai<e ido.. 1. r ) latrous ';