Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I78 · who lofe theirJoules latrous or filthy inflaming pitlures, ,as fo many wanton and aUuring .harlots :. Stationers that feU filthy and lafc'ivions pamphlets, the divels trumpets to fpread his poyfon . and unclean-- neffe: All thefe will one day prove heavie gain9,when the eye is open to fee the foule lofi: for getting fuch an handfull ofthe - worlci. Here is a great deale of 1 • the Mammon ofini'quitie,as profitable as JudM his thirtie {i] ;,erpieces. We corne no\v to the Ia!l:p.roof. Fourthly, hee' lo!eth his foule , for the world,~that by the world cafi:eth himfelfe back in the way and meanes offalvation :as, Firil; when his wealth blocks up the way.of falvation, becom· ming- thornes to choaite the word , or as water to quench 1:eale, or as \Veights oppre:ffing the motions of the W'brd and Spirit : wleen riches-dHl:ract the owners,