Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

1 o Difciples afChrift,who. ' dropping and molefiation ? that rifefi: up againfi: Chrifl: for his word (as Judas) becaufe the word ofChrill: deteCleth thy covetoufneffe,pride,deceit, treachery,other wickedneffes? . . ; • TheDifciples had commifrDi- fion and commandement to """k! les: other Difciplcs, and fo did: They were diligent in their callings,& .exercifed therinthe love ofGod, · • 1 and love of men ; were fobcr, a.r9 godly, humble, walking in the · . . I fieps of Chrifb their lord & ~1l· · necftb~ I fter, fpending themfelves in do- :ing good to others,. departing j with dearefi: thing•, their names, •mOJ•zu_&.tul , their liberty, & life for Chrifi: & pro ' his Church. So the generall calmmtrtus 1. f Ch ·n... • · k n· manu ' mg 0 a rtu:tan ls,to ma e ' 1armm ~nob~ fciples,to bring men to Chrift,by 011Trtib~ inflruCl:ion,admonition,reproofe, propter~/.. · comfort ; herein exprefsing love lum.Ber~ · to Chri£1: and his m·embers : And ; to walke befeeming the Gofpel ; ~ for· the honour of Chrifi;making him ·