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Difciples ofChrift,who· that is joyned 1to the He~Jd by _ faith, is united to the mem6ers by love. But art thou a Difcip1e,and ]i. vefi in uncharitableneffe, envie, malice, flandering, lying, or any the like tin ? l\now, · I I. ADifciple, i5 6orne ofGod, and beares the image of his Father_, who is love, I John 4.8. this then is a birth from hell,at1d an iffue ofhim,who i~ "ma?)-flltJ- - er from the beginning. - 2. The Difciples had the_prefcnce,leading,and inhabitation of the Spirit of God, and confequently, the bond r;f the Spirit, which is love, the fairefi: fruit of the Spirit, by \vhkh Chrifl:ians . are knit together, & made ofone fpirit. But is the ut:Jcharitable wretch led or inhabited by this Spirit,or by the fpirit thllt lujleth 11jter envit ? Such n1ay fay te Chril:l:,as the J ewes, \V e are none ofth] Difciples, but Mo(es difciplu; . ' '