Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

------- _ .. ~~ ------~-- ~6j~~~~ ~~~~WJ~fp Tf·1E DIVINE TEACHER AND SCHOLLER. -------------- p SA-L . II9.33· ' Teach m~, 0 LorJ, the way of thy ftatutes ; And 1 will kJepe_it unto the end. ~~~Eei4~H IS Pialm~· -rh r ~ e~ope , ~ notably draw- 0 fthis ', etl~ and allu- who!c I reth men : t<.'l Pfalrne. ;the fiudy and il<ilve of hea· ====· venlyclochin, in the knowledge and pradife whereof conlifieth the holineffe and h~pindfe of every Chnf.tian. TheSunne in the hc;:Jvcns .T were