Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~l!t•~ ,. THE I? RI N·e·IP L ES OF · c,l-l 'R 1 5, T I A N PRACTICE• . Containincr the Infiitution ,·.. of a Chrifrian man, in twelve heads ofDoClrine:whichare ~ fet downe in the next fide. t--------- - r By T H o M A s TA y L oR n.l). ~t and late Pallor of AlJerman1 • bury London. ; Perfe£led 6y,himfolfe 6efore hu dece~tft· 1 ------------~------------ : Cypr. de zel. & tiv. , Ch1ijli ~~me~ · in~uere; ~non per C~ri~i viam per- . / gere J .fJUZ~-~ltttd q_u~~ pr~v1rtca1t~ eft dtvini : nomt?.tu,qt>~.1m deftrtto llmeru fo!utam? ' i l . L OND 0 N, ~ Pnnted by R. Y. for ]. Btt:rtltt1 in ~ Cheap-fide. at the: Golden-cup in Gold· ~ (mu:bs Row. I 6 3 r. ttttt~999t9?titi~t9tt~~W(o~• ,: e. I