Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I "----- .·· -~~~~~~~~~u~~~~u~u~~u~ · The Principles ofChriflian l'racl:ice: ontaining the Infiitutionof a Chrifiian 1 Man, or of a Difci pie [ of Chrifi: ~ In thefe chiefe heads of Do Brine.· t · J. Sel(e-Dcnia/1. - ~. T"-king up the Croffe. 3· Imitation of Chrift. 4· Life temporal! anderernall. 5. The worldJ worth!efneffe to afo~t!e. 6. The la {I judgement. 7· The kJngdome of Grace. 8. The Chrifl~n race. 9. The divine Teacher ~tnd J'thol!er. 10. Epicurifme dcfcri.Ged and tiifgraccd. 11. A!Jufo of the Creltt!lref, ~ \ - - un!awfu/1. 12.The PhyjitiAn offoulcs.