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why it is cAUed the trojJe. 47 rint of 11 ChrijJU11; 1 Pet,4. t 6. I and Paul cal~ it the f•Jforings of! Chrift, 1. C•r. I ~s. and he11r:,ing tJf hid repro~tl., Ijet. I ~ .13 .that is, I • Fromhtm : hts fann_e,to ftft and pnrge us. ' · ~. For him : endured for his caufe and glory. 3. His in his myfticall body, not naturall. 4· Not in refpeCl: ofmerit,but offympathy. - But why is it called thecrofs? I I, I. Becau re of the union be-. Why it i~ tweenChrifi& the Chrifiian;fo it called the . fCh .ft r. fc cro(fe. ts a part o n sown cro,s: or, as aH the members fuffered with r. Chrifl: on the croffe,aiJ their head ind furety; fo hee fuffers with the·mas his members, and after a fort hangs ftill on their croffe. ·The head aod members of ~his body are infeparable. "· ·· 2.That we lhould never thiflk -of the troubles for Chritl: , ~~S ' 1. • ~our.eyesalfo.!lpontlie~ " · • I