Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

what it iJ to take of Cbrifl:, where. wee !hall fee him fan'Ctifying;fweetening,and cqnq uer.ing all ourforrow.es ;and behold him a companion, partner, and yoke-fellow, bearing for us -the heavie and ponderous end, and the great eft part offu 5. 3• That in all our fufferings for Chrift wee fbould fupport our faith & pati~nce in. beholding what was the end of Chri!l:s croffe, and- ~xped: the fame -happy end and if:fue ofour croffe:s ·for Chrift; that as he paffed from the croffe .to the C.rowne;fo will hee in the end adn1it us into the fellowfhip of his crowne and glory, whom he hath vouchfafed · a~ Si mons and .companions·in tbe . bearing of.hi.s. ·own cro'ffe,which ~is an unfpeakable helpe and fup· ·port to our perfev~rance. · Nex~,wha_t i~ i~.to tak~ t:t~ the croffe ?. .. . · :, ·: : - . . . · ' J It istmt ~ to -devife arvofuntary ·afflictiorr.for·ama:ns felfi:.as .»aals · ' · Priefrs