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· 68 Necejfity of taking weight from us; and {upplies ftrength to us, to carry the light end of it: for he did f~ffer,tofucz, eoHr them that fufer. Befide, we know that n(1) affliCl:ions canfeparate m· from the love of God in Chrijf,Rom.S.ult. When Chrifr wa$ on the crofTe, our fins feparated b.et;ween God and his fenfe, Mar.~7.46. ' and made him cry out , }}fy God, • my God~ -why haft thou forfo~e~ ~ · me 1 But his promife hath tyed h~s. aide and prefence to us in fixe troubles, and in feverr, in paffing ·3: - through fire and water, &c. A· gaine, wee know the fiing is ta· ken out ofour croffe , by Chrill: takjng it on him: ~and therefore \rVe may cheerfully take it up, as Mofes tooke the Serpent by the taile, and·it was turned intoa rod in his hand,.and threatens only a loving corred:ion. 5'. 5'. We mufl: willingly take up · the croife, becaufe of the prefent bleffed ufe,& future i{fue of it. For