Vincent - BX9318 V46 1678

[6] upon his heart in his private addreffil onto God , Sut 0 how did thisgood man wafle andfpend his fpirits in his fervent prayers with 144 and upon our account, when he prayed amongJt us on or- dinary and etraordinary occafions ? We have often known him to continue five or fix hours to- gether in Preaching, chiefly in prayer on fafling- days ( being in the Country deflitute of the help Of anyother Minifler) and that without imper- tinencies, tautologies, tedious repetitions, or any crude, raw, rude, and naufeating expreffions, but with a great and delightful variety of holy plea4' and arguments, and ifour bafe hearts have been tyred fimetimes with the length of his ad- minifirations, yet he himfelf hath feemed to be little tyred, at leafs his fpirit loath been unwearied withall his pains and labour. We remember how affeaionately he ufed to make acknowledgment of fin, of our fins, which he walmoregrieved for, than our felves we remember his fighs and groans which froman oppreged heart brake forth at his mouth, 119:nibing an inward fare beyond the utterance of words : we remembe how the tears didoften fleal from his eyes, and run down his old cheeks, how he hath often wept for to, when our eyes have been dry, our hearts flupid and hard like a flone within to. We remember his humble Fetitions, his fervent fitpplications at the throneofgrace for pm, how he would wreftle Ipith God ikepeob. endwhen we thought he had been