Vincent - BX9318 V46 1678

Two Funeral Sermons on Ira Stubbs death have been Preached in the City, one on the Lords day by Mr. Yhoríí &WWtfon, the other on theweek day by Mr. Richard Baxter, both which we fuppofe will come to your hands. The Chara.ier which Mr. Baxter in his bath given (the only Sermon of the two, vghich we have feen) of Mr. Stubbs his Spirit, .íTá. Jcctrine., manner of Life, converfation ; his great dili- Bence and unwearied pains in publicly Preaching and private inaruaion, when:the Sermon doth corne forth, will fufficiently evidence to others as well as your felves, what a lofs above others you have fuftained. Should we employ our Pens in drawing further lineaments of this .excellent perfon, they might prove hut t`ha- dows, not to fet off, but obscure the piture of his fpirit already drawn io lively by a far more skilful hand ; and therefore we forbear any further commendation; of him, who is above our commendation. Our design and busrefs is to mind you of your duty in re- ference to this fad providence which' hath be- reaved you of fùch a Paftor as Mr. Stubbs was tinto you. One great duty is to lament and lay to heart your Pafors death ; to afea you herewith, what we have already writtenbath a tendency; we know:all of you have reafon to grieve, but are there not too Many of you unfenfible óf this