Vincent - BX9318 V46 1678

[ 43 and exhorted you unto, in his Sermons, and he hath gone before you in the pra&ice of them in his life ; ye are witneffes and God alfo, how holily, and jufily, and unblamably he behaved himfelf among you, and how he ex- horted, and charged you as a Father doth his Children : and be ye followers of himwho through faith and patience doth now inherit the promifes. Thirdly, The third duty which God loth now call you efpecially unto, is Prayer. Your Minifter whilft alive did pray much with you, and he pray'd more for you ; he was one of the molt Prayerful Miniffers in England; he gave himfelf as to the Miniiry of the word, lb alfounto Prayer : but now his praying work on Earth, is changed into Arai ing work in Heaven ; you have loft a praying . friend, you have therefore now fo much the more need to pray for your felves, pray fècretly, pray frequently, pray fervently. Pray againft fin, and pray for larger effufions of the Spirit upon you. Pray againft fin; do asj, Hof 14.2. Take with you words and turn to the Lord; fay unto him, take away all iniquity, and receive ass gracioufly. God hath taken away your Mi- nifter, 0 beg of him that hewould take away your iniquity, the caufe of this fo great a lofs. Say