Vincent - BX9318 V46 1678

. C'9 7 Fourthly, And now it is cafe to fee the teafon why Paul accounted not his life dear, nor was moved by the forefght of any ßì1f- ferings, fo he might but finilh his courfe with Joy. For firft, he well knew that the end would pay for all, and no man (hall ever lofe by God; nor (hall the moll abundant labour be in vain, a Cor. 15. 48. Is there any Repentance is Heaven for their labours or fufferings for Chrift on Earth ? Do they think that God is in their debt? Faith ever reck>'neth that the f offerings of this prefent time are not worthy to be comparedwith the glory whichpall be revealed in sus, Rom. 8.18. For which caufe we faint not but though our outward man perij(h, yet the in- ward man is renewed day by day : For oar light a iEion which is but for a moment,worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory : while we looknot at the this which Aire feen whichare temporal, but at the unfeen things which are eternal, 2 Cor. 4. 16,17,18. Secondly, And Paul v4ell knew that he and all the World were in the hands of God, and that he ferved fuch a Mafter as could eafily perferve , him as far as he fawmeet, from all his enemies and ,fufferings. And that .fufferings E 2 hofe