Vincent - BX9318 V46 1678

[301 fend to end his Labours and all his Suffer- ings. Two things efpecially I Commend to imita- tion. I. That he was more in inIruCting and Catechizing Children by familiar Queftions, than almoll any man that I haveknown; which (hewed that he laboured not for applaufe. 2. He prayed as conflantly as he Preached, and no wonder then that his labours had much fuc- cefh. He omitted not his duty to God in his family, by the greatnefs of his publick labours. And a manof prayer is a manof power with God. For my part I never faw him till his coming to live in London, I think not feven years agog though I long heardof his fuccesful Preaching. But to fhew you how great his Charity was, and what a lofs I have my felf, and how faulty I and others are in too much forgetting of our friends, I will tell you, that he hath oft told me that (as I remember, above twenty years) he never went to God in prayer but he parti- cularly remembred me. But his love hath not tempted me to fay a word of hire, which I verily believe not to be true. And I conclude it with this profeflion, That I fcarce remember the man that ever X knew? that ferved God _ with