Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The Mountain offat things difcovered. fees himfelf oppref cd with fin, or wrath,or heIl,he prefent- ly runs to this mountain: when he is parchedwith drought he runs to this rock, to this fountain of living waters ; below Ter.I7.' in thevalley in himfelf hecan And nocomfort,nothing but 13 wrath, and death, and darkneffe, and deftru&ion, there's is nothing but the bottomlefs pit, there's nothing but madnefs and - folly, nothing but lies andvanity ; there's nothing but fears and frights, horrors and amazements, and thefmoa&of the bottomlEfpit : henow cries out, LYo is me, did I fo much Rev.9.2. delude my felf, to thinkmy felt tobe wife, holy, &c. when as there was nothing but folly, and an infinitenefs of mad- nefhe! And now he fees that there is in hirn Antichrift in- deed, the beaft with (even heads and ten horns, and himfelf bearing the mark: image of the beaft. And all this the foul fees by faith , for faith is the fouls eye when Faith goes up from its felf,and looks upon jefus Chrift, there it fees all riches, all glory, all wifdom, all un- changeablenefs, all purity,all life , all reft, all-in all ; in a word, it fees him to be unutterable, unfpealable, and ha him. things not able to be tittered, not fit to be uttered, but only to fuch as are admitted into the fame condrtion,for others cannot comprehend thefe words, they areparadoxes and riddles : They fee themfelves to be nothing but fin andhor- rour, and there is the bottom or the foot ofJacobs Ladder; and they fee allo jefusChrift with all his riches , glory, power, wifdom, righteoufnefs , there is the topof the Lad- der : thefe things ..are only to be Peen in this mountain. When Saints by faith look down intowhat they are in themfelves, they fee there is a bottomleffe pit of fmoak and darknefs, of darknefs, darkneg that may be felt, Exod.ro. and they fee the frnoak covers the face of the whole earth : 21. there he fees in this valley fuch a bottornleíi'depthoffin and mifery, that he is afhamed ofhimfelf, and afhatned that others fhould fee him tobe fo. Nowwhile thevail is untaken away, all the endeavour,all the wit, all the powerof the naturali man, is, to keepon this covering, to keep it from being rent : he would byno means have it removed,he would upon no terms fee himfelf as be is, D to