Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

20 The Vail fpreadover All Nations,and heart inflead ofloving God, it fights againfl God, in bead of doing good to his Neighbour really, he leeks not his good, but his own ends in all he doth, that he doth no- thing at all for God; but hirnfelfe is his fupreame andulti- mate end, fo that his highefl and beft aEUons are loathfome, defiled, abominable. Now the foule feeing thefe things to be really thus,-Then all his flrong, high& towering conceits fall down before the light, wifedome,powerand excellency ofChrifl: and he fees that there is none ofall thefe through all the whol earth but in Chrift alone, no wifdom at all but his,no power at all but his,no righteoufnes at al but his,and no creature to receiveany glory but him alone:then he falls Rom down andcryes out 0wretched man that Iam,who Thal deliver 24. wne from that body of death?who Thal deliver me from this bot- tomleggulf? whoThal deliver me front this monflerotrs fiend Rom. my own felf?he now fees theLocufts ofthe boitomlespit, cover 9 3 mg theface ofthe whole earth:every one running after his own ways and following his own laws,every man letting up new Gods, every manPettingup the Image ofhis Imagery,and the abominationofdeflation inhimfelf,every manmaking himfelf his own god,and fecking tobe fomthing,and making the e-, ternal glorious God tobe an Idol and nothing:He fees hint- felf with the whole earth befides, Paying with the builders ofBabel, go to, let us build us a lower anda City, whole topmay Géo y r.qa reach up to Heavens that wemaynot be fcattered and deflroyed; they will fave and deliver themfelves from hell, wrath, and def}ruEìion, by their ownpower, by their own wifedome, by their own inventions, by thebrick, flume, and morter that they have made ; Now theLord looking down from Hea- ven, to feewhat the Childrenofmen are doing, and he in himfelfe fees how God bath Paid, Let us go down and confound their language : God in them bath difcovered the evilneffe of their wayes, the evil of felf-feeking, felf-glory, of their felfè-wifdome, felfe-power, felf-righteoufiieffe ; and they in whom, or to whom theLord difcovers thefethings, all this contrivance) andall this work in them is made BA BEL, Confufion, a heapofLyes, tis all deceit, deftru&ion andmi- fery : but in Jefus Chrift he hath righteoufnefhe indeed, life _ indeed,