Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The Mountainoffat things difèovered. weaknes his glory, shame ; his Heaven, Hell : this he fees in himfelf, and he can fee nothing elfe but this mifery and this blindnefs upon the face of the whole earth every man is under-thisdarknes, is under this Covering , theface ofthe CaverinEof 411 Nations. Chrift went up to the mountain, and taught thepeople. The truth is, this is that mountain where Chrift alone teacheth: all other teachings are folly and ignorance till we hear the word at his mouth : Here in this mountain the foule beholds v icons, and receives the manifeftations of Chrift, and the myfteries of the kingdome ; here it feesfrom thebottom to the top ofJacobs Ladder : here he fees the Abominationofde- folationfpolen of by Daniel the prophet, that had it not been for the loveofChrift,tiemeer power and handof Chrift, he had been gon for ever,loft for ever,fwallowedup in a myfte- ry of iniquity ; but whereChrift brings him into this mount, then he fees himfelfe efca ed,then he fees Sodom andGomorah all on a flame, all felf& MI, and al mans wifdom and righ- teoufnes burnt up,and the fmoak therofafcend as the fmoak ofa furnace : and then he can fay e perimentally Jehovah- jireh ; In the mountof the Lord itfhallbe feen. Saints can teftifie of thefe things, becaufe they have feen and felt them done in themfelves, and tis that which their hands have handled ofthe word oflife : they can give tefimo- ny to the wifedome ofChrift, to the power of Chrift, tothe righteoufneffe ofChrift, to the everyaging, and unexpreffible goodneffeofChrift, as it is expreffed and put forth in their hearts ; they cangive no teftimony of man, ofanygoodnefs, wifdome,power,Etc. in themfelves, but they know Chrift to be all in all : he feas man and himfelfe, and all things of man to be nothing but apit ofdarkly¡le, a lump offin, a gulf ofmifery, without the leaftwifdome, goodneffe or power; but whatever is good or ftrong, or holy inhim., fis not him- felf, tisnot of man, but of and from Chrift alone : he fees experimentally, that he hath (as ofhimfelfe) no power, no ftrength to refill fin, no repentance, no minde to hate or re-, flit the leaftfin, but the contrary : He findes a curfed, hellith, damned, unbeleeving heart, full ofevil and that continually, a. D a heart ig Mal. 2.2. Mat. 24, 15. Gen. 22. 14. I 1011.I.I, Gen. 6.:S.