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PR E F A C E. vii yet he was Paid to be faithful in the Houfe of God, as a Son. We never law much Fruit of thole Trees that have been planted in Ofce -power in the Church, that were never planted there by Divine flppointment. We have no more Power to ap- point new Officers than we have to appoint new Ordinances in the Church. 3. 7efrts Chriß bath given out Laws for the Government of his Church : he was with the "Ipoftles (as Ilaid before) forty Days after his RefurreElion, (peaking with them about the things appertaining to the Kingdom of God, howthis King- dom muft be ordered and governed, and then commanded them to teach the Ohfervation of all Things whatfoever he had com- manded them. Now the flpcftles have accordingly declared to the Churches how they ought to rule and govern, how to pro- ceed in Cafes of Offence; what Offences are to be dealt withal; what Power the Churches have, and how they ought to exert that Power, and that what they do mull be done in the Name of yefus Chriß, z Cor. v. i t, 12, 13. 2 Theff. iii. 6, 14. Titus i. io. Rev. ii. z¢. Seeing then we have fuch a Platform of Worfhip and Dif eipline laid down in the Word, it is the great Concern of Churches to keep exaEtly to the Rule in all fldmin ?rations, both in refpeo? of Worfhip and Dif ipline, that nothing either in Matter or Form be omitted that God requires, nor done but what the Lord commands : We fhould be as exaél as Mofes was in making the Tabernacle. For (1.) we are frilly enjoined to keep clofe to Divine 21p- 'ointments. Under the legal Dif enfation, there was a Charge neither to add nordiminifh, Deut. xii. Now Chrif who had the Pre - eminency of Mofes, being faithful in God's Houfe as a Son, bath not left the Worfhip and Government of his Houfe more imperjeEí under the Gofpel, nor his People more at Liberty to add or diminifh than Mofes did under the Law, Matt. xxviii. zo. Teaching them to obferve all Things whatfo- ever I have commanded you, &c. john iv. 23. The Hour cometh, and now is, when the true Worfhippersfhall wor- fhip the Father in Spirit and in Truth. That only is Wor- fhip in Truth, that is ruled by the Word of Truth. 4nd they arejuch Worfippers that the Father Peeks for. (2)_ If we mix the Worf ip of God 2trith our own Inven- tions, vwe pollute his Infitutions; Exod. xX. zs. An Altar of