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Ile that believeth on Me hath èverlajling Life, JOHN, Chap. VI. her. 47. I N T R O D U C T O R Y ? R E F A C E TO CHRISTIAN READERS. is a real faa beyond contradiaion, that every individual fhould acquire a thorough knowledge of the Life and Death of our Bleffed Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, who was crucified for our fins, rofe again for our juftification, and now fitteth at the right-hand of God, making interceffion for us. If Chriftians feek a noble example of condua to copy after, we would recommend to them the glorious and benevolent tranfa&ions of the great CAPTAIN of our SALVATION ; One, who being in the form of God, thought it no robbery to be equal with God, yet made himfelf of no reputation, fuffering his divine efl'ence to be clothed with mortality, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the crofs; that mankind by the merits of his redemption, through faith and the good works which it naturally produces, might enjoy everlafting happinefs throughout eternity, in the realms above. In a word, the Life and Death of our Holy REDEEMER, with other matters conne&ed therewith, is a Work, if properly executed, of the utmoft confequence to this Chriftian land ; but it is a matter whichwill be readily allowed, by the impartial and difinterefted, and which has been long much lamented, that no com- plete and perfealy authentic Work of this kind has been publifhed, whereby perlons of every capacity may gain a thorough knowledge of the important fubjea. Hitherto, Works ofthis fort have been ptiblifhed in too finall a corn- pafs, and likewife in too (mall fizes, which are by no means fo elegant, fo con- venient, nor fo well adapted to the importance of fo valuable a Work, which should not be cut fhort and mangled to fuit any private purpofe. Some of thefe publications have been compiled by perlons whole chara&ers, as well as private fentiments, would have done no honour to them, and were therefore ufhered into the worldunder the names of fiaitious perlons who never exifted; and others of them have been fo wretchedly executed, that Chriftian people have only parted with their money, without having their expeEta- tions at all anfwered. To remedy all thefe defeas, by which the public have been materially injured, I was applied to by numerous friends to publifh this NEW AND COMPLETE LIFE OF' OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR_ JESUS CHRIST, the diligent labour of manyyears, and which, by the bleffing of God, Ihave now committed to theprefs, in order that it may be of real benefit and ufe to pious and fincere Proteftants ofevery denomination. I would not onany account permit it to beprinted in anyother fize than Crown Folio (being a fize lefs than my Complete Brit FamilyBible, nowpublifhing in numbers, with notes, annotations, and refleEtions) on an excellent large new letter, which I am perfuaded