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WEB The Preface. Ihip before images and idols ; they will not bee a knowne that they pray or doe worfhip rents: them. It is needful' for us to underftand,that as the fcriptures are of God , fo whatfoever is written in them is written unto all of us : this will increafe our faith, and our obedience. If any doubt hereof, the Evangeliftscleareis for when one writeth, Gedfpeke wire Mofes ,Mark.i2.26. another faith, it was fpoken untoyou ly Go4Mat.22.3 I. Againe,Mefes faid, as much as,Mofes wrote unto us, Mar. 12,1 9.So Chrilts bloodJbedjer many, applied in particular ,Jbedferyou, Luk.2z.zo.lfmen would thus mindealt the precepts and promifes in theBible, it would greatly further them in god - lineffe : now, the Lord complaineth of the contrary,/ have written unto them the great things of my law, but they are a muted as a(range tbing,Hof 2. i 2. For theft caufes,I havechiefly laboured in there annotations upon Moles,,to explaine his words and fpeeches,by conference with himfelfe,and the other Prophets and Apoltles,all which are commenters uponhis laws,and do open unto us the myfteries which were covered under his veile:for by a true and found literal! e}cplication,the fpirituall meaning may the better be difcerned.And the exquifite fcan- ning of words and phrafes,which to Some may feeme needleffe,will be found, (as painfull to the wri- ter) profitable to the reader.Our Saviourhath confirmed the Law,unto every joie and tittle, Mat.5.18. that we Ihould not thinke any wordor fentence to be ufed in vaine. Oil the contrary,the miltaking of phrafes,oft times occafioneth errour : as from lakobs fpeech, in Gen. 48. i b Jet my name be called on them, and the nine of my fatbers,Abrabam and yak: Come would gather the doftrine of prayer unto the dead, or faints departed: whereas the phrafè there,meaneth not prayer at all,but to be named of them,as their children,ás by other fcriptures contpared,may be feene: Dan.9.19.Efay 4.1. Next this main helpe of the fcriptures themfelves, t compare the Greeke and Chaldee verfions, the firft of them being in the world before Chrifis comming in the flefh ; the other,foon after : both of great authority,efpecially theGreeke, honored even by the Apoftles , in their fo often following not only the words , but even the Theological! expofition. Of many I will produce theft few examplesin Efay i i . t o.Chrifl is promifed for an enfrgne of the peoples : this the Greeke verlion expiai. neth, to rukozer the nations, and fo doth Paul alledge it in Rom. r 5.12. In Pro.3.34.God fiarnethihe fcor- ners,the Greek tranllateth,he refill etb tbeprouei,and Iames followeth their very words,Iam.4.6. In Prov. 11.3 I.the righteous is recompenfed in the earth ; the Greeke faith, he is fiercely faved; and Peter faith the fame,'Pet.4.i8.In Efay 42.4 the Iles waitfor Chrifs Law : the Greeke interpretethit,the Gentiles Jhall trufi in His name,and the holy Ghoft approveth this,in Mat.' 2.21. When Mofes faith of man and wife, they fball be one flefi,Gen.2.ì4.the Greeke addeth,tbey two, and fo thewords are cited in Mat.' 9.5. Mar. ' o..Eph.5.3 I. s Cor.6.16. Where Chill faith (in David) my Bares thou bail digged,(or opened) Plà.4o.7. the Greeke expoundeth it, a body thou ball fitted me; and the fame words Paul bringeth as Scripture, in manyGreeke words are found in the Apoftles writings,according to the Greeke rerfion of theProphets ; as Aretar, praifes, in' Pet.2.9. from Efay 42.1 2.and 43.2 sand 63.7. 7harrmávines pro f ipá, inludeverf.. ió. arefuchas regard, accept, or honour r eperfe 5.Iob zz.8.Kubernefea,Counfeua(that is,Catmfellors)in i Cor. i 2.28. from Pro.' .s4.and 20.18 .and 24. 6. Mamma tes adikiar, in Luk.' 6.9. is falfe (or deceitful) riches, oppofed (in v.' t.) to the true, as the He- brew Sheker,is often turned Adikia : Praia i 9.29,69.104.1 63, Wherefore as occafon is offered, I ob- ferve fundry things fromthe Greek tranflation , which ferve for the better underftanding of Mofes text : and other fcriptures that have reference to the fame. Concerning the Chaldee paraphraft , and other Hebrew do &ors of the ancienter fort, and Come later ofbeft efteeme for learning, as Maimony,or Rabbi Moles ben Maimony, (who abridged the Tal- muds,) and others ; I alledge their expofitions for two caules : the one , to give light co the ordi- nances of Mores touching theexternal! ra &ice of them in the common wealth of Irael, which the Rabbinesdid record,and without whore helpc,many of thofe legali rites (elpecially in Exodus and Leviticus) will not eafily he underftood. By their records afro, many particulars about the Paiozer which Christ kept, Mat.26.the Pbyloíieries which the Pharifees wore,Matth.23.and other things men- tioned in the Evangelifts, will much be cleared: whereof fee the annotations on Exodus 12. and Exodus t 3.9. As for thetheologicall expofition , therein the later Rabbines are for the nioB part blinde ; but we are enlighted by the Apoftles of Chrift, wholewritings, (fpeeially Pauls) doe unfold the myfteries of the law. Another realon why ,I cite theRabbines, is to (hew howin many words, phrales , and points of doftrine, they approve the new Teftament ; though fometime to the con- demning of themfelves: and fo theteftintony of theadvSrfary againft himlèlfa, helpeth our faith. Examples may be feene in the annotations themfelves foam few I will here touch. The day of judge - mene, orludgemeatof the great day , Jude verle6.was tiled of the godly lewes, againft the opinion of the Sadduces , as lovadinarabba in the Chaldeeon Pl.11.5 o.3. and many other places. So l'aradifi for heaven,Gebemm,for bell ; as Chrift ufeth them, are common in all the Rabbines; and the Second death, ufed by Ionatban (a Rabbine of the Apoftles age,) on Efay 65.6.15. where he danmeth his owne people to the fecond death. Chrift is called the Word,Ioh.x.i. fo by the Chaldee paraphraft on Plal.' so. [.and many a time betide. The Devil! is_ called the Accufer, Revel.' z.' lt. lWoazacbemon Levit.z 5 .fpeaketh of the Serpent the Accufer. Paul nameth Abraham the heire of the world, Rom.4.' 3.So doth lt. Bocbai, fol.z3.The Apoftle callerh Circunicihon, a feale, Roen.4.n. fo doe the Iewes in their prayer which they ule at circumcifion,Maimony treat. ofCirrumcif. chap .3And whereas they that deny the