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The Preface. the baptifingóflnGmts, plead that circumcifion was a carnal! figneofcarnal!pronlifes to a carnal! feed : the Iewes own_ teftinn ties doe abundantly refute this errour, as is (hewed after, on Gen.17. Chrlft baptizeth with the holy Ghoft,and with fire, r. It it Paid by ow Rabbiner of happy memory,that the holybkfjèd( God) baptized wuhfiee ,faithK.MmachemonLev.6.Unfit our high Prieft is on the right hand of the throne of the Maje.iie in the heavens,Heb.8. r'.and by the Rabbi nes doftrine,Miehael it the great Priethat it above, and offretb the fades ofjufi men.R.Menachem on Lev.r.and 6.chap.Maimony (in Mif+ mh, in Bisth bamikdafh, chap.6.feEt. r 1,) fheweth how the great Synedrion were wont to fit in a cham- ber dale Temple , to judge and try the Priefts, both for their genealogies, and for their blemithes. What Prieft foever was found diflallowable by his genealogie,he was clothedinbla%, &fo wentout of the Priefts court in the Temple ; and who fo was found perfe& and fit, he was ebathedin white, and went in and minittred with his brethren.This givcth light to that laying of (Çhrift in Rev.3.4.)tbeythrill walk with mein white, for they are worthy. SD the names of Linnet and Iambres, the forcererS of Egypt, cited by Paul, in 2 Tim.3.8.are recorded in the Taimnd, and other Iewith writers, as is noted on Exodus 7.11. Wherfore the evidence brought from the learned Iews,w ill he Ipe both to underftand Come fcriptures, and to end tome controverfies. But I re fh * forbidden fables,of which there are too many,them I paffe over as unprofitable : Come things alfo I note from them, not as approving then my felte abfolutely, but leaving them to further confideration of the prudent. The Chriltian Fathers and Doaors,becaule they are ututally cited by other expofitors abundantly; Ithought needle& to repeat:and the rather for brevitie,which is rcquifite in annotations. The teftimonie of heathen writers,l alledge more fparingly alfo;as of whom we have leaft need.Yei Paul had occafion * fometime to cite them:and we likewise may have ufe of their fayings;both for an- cient hiftoriés,and religious exerci(es, and for the witneff which they beare unto the trtìth of God. Finally in all this labour,l delire the furtherance and ltirring np of people in the Rudy and under- ftanding of.Godslaw.Wherein though Come things as oricfe, tome things darke and hard to be un- dcrftood, yet many things are by a little, direftion,made eafieto the prudent. And let not the varietie of phraíè,or fundry interpretations troubleany,bnt let d Ccret ion choofc out the befi.Behol d,the ho- ly Ghoft tranflateth one Hebrew word, by many Greeke, to teach us both the ample wifedome conl- prílèd in that mother tongue ;and that any words may be ufed,which exprelfc the true meaning of the text unto our underltanding.The Minch or Meat -... fring,(as we Englifh it.) in the law,is turned into Greeke,Thufia,Sacrifiee,A &s y.42.from Amos 5 and Prof¡eoors,Oblatiort.Heb. so.5.from Pf.4o. The He- brew word Pitmab,Efa.4o.3. is Enthuno, to Make-Ilraight, Joh.t .23. Hetoimazo, to Prepare, Mát.4.3. and Kataskevafa, to Make read , Matth. i 1.1 o. That one phra re of Mofes in Deut. z 5.5. (tebm zip ia,) and he haze no fine ; is by three Evangelifts translated three wayes, all good;having ne ehildren,Matth.2 2.24.and leave no children, Mark.12.19. and hedye chiidleffe,Luk.2ò.28. Yea one Hebrew wordSe,er,in expreffed of Paul b9 two Greeke words together, Apeitlrrsenta, and Antilegon:a, that is Dif bedient (or unperfwaded) and gginfaying, Rom. 1o. 21 . the .one n.xtcRtherebellioufheffe of the heart;the other of themouth and cariage.By which,with many other 0,-1 iKe tbrt,we may fee the copioufneffe of matter, which the original' tongue containeth in tew words : and that the noting of Inch varieties may be profitable unto us.TheHebrew Doftors have a fay log, that the Law ba, h ftentie faces.(that is, ner ofwayes to be opened and applied) and all t(them ninth : R.Menachem onGen. z 9.and Exod.21. But£oralmuch as my portion is (mall, in the knowledge of holy things ; let the godly reader try what I let downe,and not accept it,becaule I fay it,:.and let the learned be provoked unto more large and fruitfull labours in this kind. The Lord open,all our eyes,thatekve may fee themarvellous things of his Law. Havy Ainfworth. The fumme of GenefiS. THe[anti bool<e or Mofet, fheweth the Generation of the World ; the Corruption thereof by Sinne ; the refiauratian prohiifed in Chrifl ; tñe Go ernment of the aidworld, 16 5 6gteres, till it perifloed by the Flood: and of the World that now is, (ef eeially of Gods Church therein) y 13 yeere.r mot, till the death of lofeph. The Generation. GOD, infixe layes, createth the World, all good : and Man in the limage of God; whom he made ruler over the earth. `. Chapter I He,adorneth this his world with a fpeciall eanlbified Time,as the Sabbath day:Place,as the goder of Eden,withtire River and Trees thereof: Order of mans obedience by the Law given td Adam,and of propagation of kmde,by Mariage., Chap Tb e' Cor, npion of the World. The Serpent tempteth to difobedience: Man Talleth: to Smne And Death,are come upon all men. The Serpent is carted , and the Earth for mans fake. Chap.3 The, 73,rilaaration. GOD promifeth; that (Chriff) the Womans Sed,ó,altbru,fe the Serpents head. The man callcth his wife,Eve :God layeth chat ,fsments on them both ; clotheth them ii and drives them out of Paradle. I' Chap.; Thegoveraniretofthe otdrrortd ADAM begetting two fonnes, Kai. the firE borne is wicked; Abel fa,thfall.Kain kdleth Abelaand is ended: yet liveth,and increafeth in the world.Seth is given in Abets Read}and of Seth,Enos. Chap.a -SETH * Tb.t. 14. * AI* 77.22. I COT 15.33. Ttt.I.I a.