Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. VIII. 85 as 1. That he íhould b inherit the land of Canaan to which he brought him : z. &That he fhould haue heyres of his owne feed, c to inherit it after him, euen a great nation , and one feede fpecially , (which was d Chriit ) inwhom ail 'fana- lies of the earth fhould be blelfed. With thcfe promiies, andMedina & renoume adjoyned to them , the Lord perfwaded hám to forfake his idolatrous countrie and communion with idols, & c to walk before him , who was God the Aliiifrt- cient, and to be upright; and gane him the covenantofCircumcilion, the f .eale of the righteoufnes of the fayth which he had ; he gaue him allo g two Ifimel of Hagar a fervante born after the flefh ; and Ifaak of Sarah a freewoman , borne by promife.. 9. But he that was borne after the flefh, fell ro profar cnes,becarne a,1 moc- ker and i persecutor ofthe true and pro- mifed feede : wherefore he was cast out of the church , the houle of Abraham ; and loft the honor of being reputed his kfeede , or heyre with Ifaak the free- borne, and child ofpromife. F 3 io.Againe b Gen. 15,7 e Gen.zz,z. dgaf.3,r5. gen. iz, 3. 3. 25., 8. fRom.4,it ggAl. 4, zZ; ë:3 . &G. hgen.zr,9. ; ga1.4,z9. k Rom. 917, 8.