Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XII. II wifeofthe Law, finished. b wickedne s , b D4.9,4 dreconciliation and fealed up finrecon iliation for iniquitie , and brought .ncc c gift of c RomÇ,a% rii,711teoufnesor Iuiice : fo by his obcdi- I9 ence we arc made juif , aird d grace fhal.l d'verfe ceigne by juff:ce , unto cternall life , through tefus Chriff our Lord, whole blood loth allo e pnrge our confciencts c from dead works to férue the Living' God,and by the fame bath he f fan&iheA-f é6.i3 his people, and contineweth a Prieft for. ever,and is bothour It4f ice & Sanúti f ez-- tion. Finally this our redemption from evill, and reflauration unto happincs, he confer-veal and maynteyneth by his mighty power , from all enemies whom bee hath fubdued under his owne feete , and will alto fubdae under ours : and is thtrcforenamedonr g King, whom h all kings thall word-lip , all nations !hall férue, who will i redeemne our foules fromdeceit and violence, will glue us allo the k r:d tnption ofour body , and -caùfc our kilt enemy i -ath 1 to be fùial- lowed up inv;aorie,& fo wil be our fui 'redemption for ever & ever at his appea- lingwith glory, in the cry mofredemption. m Eph.4,30 4. Moe