Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

THECOÑCLUSIOàT. 387 prefence &protetion ofhim our God., the guard and affiflance ofhis holy i An- i gels, and whatfoever thing is good , for our help, joy , and comfort , whiles we line on earth : what remayneth then, but that we k purge our feines fromall filthi .nes of the flcíh and spirit , and fo grow up unto full bolines in the feare ofGod, snaking flreight fleps unto our feet, run- ningwithpatience the race that is fet be- fore us, fighting the good fight offaith andofafllidions, refilling fnne both in our feines and others , nourifhing rnutuall loue and peace , and making an ende of our falvation I in feare and I trembling. That after we baue ended this warfare in the fleíh, and haue fo fought , as we Winne thevidorie and none other gette our crowne; when our foules (hall flitte out of thefe earthly ta- bernacles , our bodies may ileepe and reftin their mbeds,till our change come, and our foules not fent to the fpirits n in prifon , but received among the fpirits of jufl and perfect men, we may iball from our labours,. and.waite for the full Eedemption of our bodies , at that day, B b 2. whe11 FIYb.r.i4p zCor.'. sd z.Iz. m Ija. 51.2 n YPet.;t9. oHeb.zz.z;