Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

70 C HAP. VII. in the children of Cham , Ifinael , Efau&c. Who after they were removed, fromGods church , were alfo deprived ofhis word & doctrine , which he con- tinued and increafed unto thepeople, that of his grace he called and kept to himfelfe as his owne. f ce+sa s. i o. For the light oftheGofpel , and and 24 day ofChrift was revealedunto fAbrain z Vic. Ifaak and Iaakob ; and to the ICraelites gi their ofteritie did God ue this law b g Exod.2o. P b y Mofes, and continued the preaching& opening of the fame by other Prophets & minifters;whé as the heathens had not this help, but lay in darknes, hearkning hDeu z8,ro hunto witches,foothfayers,forceters,ne- 11,r2, L4 cromancers & other like abominable in- ftruments ofSatan,which turned to their eternall confufion : when as for Ifrael theLord their God fuffred them not fo; D(ø.4,36. but i out of heauen he made them heare his voyce to inílrua them , and upon earth he ihewed them his great fire, and they heard his voice out of the raids of the fire, they had ordinances and lawes mort righteous, to keepe and to doe, her.6,7,8. which was theirpraiCe, forkwifdorne & under-