Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

Chain ofl'rinciplesa .4 HORIS íßlE III. Scripture-Oracles, fuppofing it fufficiently clear by the light ofNature,that there is a God, make a further difcovery of what he is in his Effence,Sub- fftence andAttributes. I EXERCLTATION 1. t Corinth. 15. 34. expounded. opinionftscom- Exerc. 1. pared tofleepers anddrunkards. Threeobfrva- tions from the endof the verf. What knowledge of God is unattainable in this life. What may be had. The knowledge we have concerning God dtginguilhed into Natural, Literal, and Spi- ritual. Wake to ri$hteoufnefs andfin I Corri f 34. not : for forne have not the knolvledge ofGod; Beak this toyour Flame. Thefe are the Apofties ex- prefs words tohis Corinthians. Which will be better underftood, if we con- fider. I. That