Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

162, i Chain of Principles. r\ph. 4. the eighteenth, Iîill love thee 0 Lordmy firength; where the word cometh from EX1'i ,'l t74- the tame forementioned root and in- fcerib,s cli!ìgans u. Pial. 18.1. timateth exercifing love out of his moft inward bowels as allo of ex- tending bowels of compafsion to thole eípecirlly that (land in neare1 re- lation to hirn according to that of 3. 17. John, Whofo bath this worlds goods, and feeth his brother bath need, andputted) up bis bowels of cornpaf sion from bim, A? L d relleth the love of God in him? But that is not all the improvement we are to make of this Attribute. As it is a moll tender affection, fo is it tobe moll ten- derly uled. Take we therefore diligent heed, as of refufing it by unbelief, fo, ofabufing it by prefumption. ,Jonah° 7. 8, Fir{l, ofrefufng mercy by unbelief Ma- ny, as the phrafe is in Jonah forfáke their own mercie, by giving way to ob- jetions arifing from the fleíli like fmoke out of that bottomlefs pit in Revelation. Say not thereforeGod is fo angry with me, the arrows ofthe Almighty