Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

Chain, of Principles. us that with him is no variablenefs nei- therlhadov) of turning. The metaphor is thought by force to be borrowed from the art of painting wherein pictures are firít rudely fhadowed; then drawn to the life. In the creatures we findea full draught and livelypourtraiture of muta- bility ; but not ío much as the rudi- ments of a draught, as the leaft line or Jhadowof it in God and Chrift. 2. Exerc. 3. Tepii1s a7lDQit1` dvFc«. hareus in 1a.. EXERCITATION 3. Two conclufions from Pfalm 73. 22h26. The Pflmifs cafeRated. The frequent complication of corporal and Ipiritual troubles. How God flrengtheneth his peoples hearts againg their `bodily difempers ; how under difcouragements of fpirit. The f cret fupports offlying grace. What kinde of portionGod is to the Saints. Acorngra- tulationof their happinefs herein. §.I. URom that patheticall paffage in one ofthe Palms Whom bale Prajm. I in heaven but thee ? and there is none up on earth that I defre betides thee. ]vy f eJh and my heartfaileth; but God is thefirength E; of