Ball - BT770 B3 1637

The degrees ofFaith. 143 of the body, astheywhich arebetter and moreexcellent : fo the weakeft beleever is a lively member of Chrift , as truly asthey that are more arcingin faith. §. 7. Thedegrees of true and lively faith maybe con- §. 7. fidered according to the diversgrowth, which God brin-, fhiah`s "`°: °f Beth hischildren unto; and the divers meafure ofgrace, whichGod beftoweth upon them ; according to the time wherein they have been trained up in the fchooleofChrifl, the meanes God hath vouchfafed for their building for- ward, their experiments of his love, and their care tode the meanes and employ their talent. Godgiveth not the famemeafureof grace to all beleevers : all be not ofequaIl handing in Chriftsfchoole, norofequall paines to improve what they have received , nor live under like powerfull meanes of grace, & enjoy likehelps ofencreafein firength. Innature no man wonders to fee a growne man ftronger than a newborne babe ; a plant let in a mellow and fertile garden, thrives faller than that which groweth ina more barren foyle ; aMerchant that is waneand induflrious to employ his hock,to encreafe more thanhee that isremiffe;' anold beaten, Souldier tobee more expert thanonewho bath newly put on his armour : Ingrace the fame holds good ; for faith thrivethaccording tothe time meanes, ex- periments, and carewe taketo improve our talenrand pre- ferveourfaith. The degrees of faith may fitly bee drawne Feureagiees of into£oureheads. For there is a weake faith, as it -were in faith. the tenderbad ; a faith.fomewhat growne up ;flrongfaith; and full affiirance. Faith isweake . Lourewayes ; Firfl, in knowledge, when r:make. abeleever is but ababe in underfianding, ignorant of ma- I ny profitable things needfull to bee learned and praáifed. Faith ie wake ir. route hiba }s. Hirn that is weake infaith, receive you, bast not todoubt- Rom.i .i. and frill difjutations The Difciples had true faith, when they were verle weake in knowledge. For though they belee- = co:.s.=o. ved that Chrift was the Meflìah, yet they were ignorant of his Death, and Refurre&ion, and-Afcenfion. When Ma = =b. = °=6. hee told them of his they underflood not that Mák., , laying ;