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144 The degrees ofFaith. Joh.2o.9. Mark.16.u: Joh.24.s. 2. Mark.9.1}. 3. Matth.8.:6. and 14.31. Pfai.93.18. faying; when (Marie told them of his refurreélion, they beleeved it not ; when hee fpake of his tarryingwith them a little, and thenofgoingunto his Father, they knewnot what it meant. Secondly, faith is weake in afï'ent,whenaChrifliangives credit to the principles of doólrine and promifes oflife, not onlya true and certaine, but as muchbetter than life it fenfe, yetnot without much reafoningand difputing in him- felfe. Lord, lbeleeve, help mineunbeleefe. Thirdly, in confidence it is feeble, when the Beleever rolls himfelfe upon Chrifl and the promifes of mercie made in him, purpofing to adhere and cleave unto him, though bee feele thatheehangethbut weakly, difcerne not the certaintie of his eflate, nor the flabieneflè of Gods promifes, cannot aflhure himfelfe that hee doth beleeve, is (Done difcouraged in troubles , and ready to faint ifhelp come not prefently. But when the mind is perplexed with temptations, feares, and doubts, andthe heart ready to faint, not able with cleare evidence to receive the pro- miles; yet then this true Beleever is habitually refolved (not without great dread and wavering) that it is good to truai and wait upon theLord. And thismutt bee remem- bred for certaine, that howfoever faith bee often fhaken; oppreffed with feares , or turned afide with oppefitions that bee made againfl it for a time, as the Difiples did all forfake our Saviour, and flee when hee was apprehen- ded; yet the weakell faith is advifedly refolved to flick fail unto the promifes of life , as much better than the pleafures or profits of this life, and to embrace Chrifl notwithflanding anyoppofition by allurement or terronr9 that. the Deviil, the World, or the Flefh can make a- gainflit. Fourthly, in the fruits and effeóls thereof faith is weake ; as in the fenfeof Gods love, affuranceof his grace andfavour, power to fubdue unruly paffions, contempt of the :world , patience and joy in tribulation, and the confiant, lively pra6lice of holinefl'e; Ordinarily this is the 4atth.26.56,