Ball - BT770 B3 1637

Sorts ofFaith,&c. 3 Chrifl e and this is called byDivines,faith which is belee- ved. It is taken for beleefeof the Golpel, the habit be- i g'inplyedin thea&, the gift in the exercife which is t efáith whereby we beleeve. And this isexprefled by he phrafesofBeleeving cyod, Beltrcvingon Cod,Beleeving an Chrifh,Beleeving the Prophets. 6. Faith is put for un- feigned profeflionof faith,joyned with fervent delire to fur- ther ChriffianReligion,and a godly life. 4.3. Faith fgnifyingbeleefe is ufed to note, i , anor= dinary knowledge and bare afFent to the hifforicall truth of Scripture, grounded upon the authorityand truthof the Speaker , though fòmetimes holpen by experiments, and otherinducements and probabilitiesofthe things:and this is called faith Hifioricall, that is, a naked, imperfe&, dead affent,without fluff or confidence in themercies ofGod,or adherence to the Commandements. Howbeit wemuff not imagine that faith is reputed unfound, or notfalvificall, be- caule hifforicall (rather it is oftentimes unfufficient to fave, becaufe it is not fo fully hifforicall as it might be) butthe name ofhifforicall faith arofehence, that Ibme arefaid to beleeve, who didnever embrace Chriftas theironely Savi- our with all their hears , nor confidently relie upon the promifes ofmercy : otherwife faith juflifyingdoth more certainly beleeve the truthofthehifforyofthe Gofpel,and foismore hifforicall than the faithcalled hifforicall. a.It is taken for an affianceofheart embracingtheWordas good ; which in refpe&oftheobje&maybe difiinguifhedintoMi- raculous or Ordinary. Forthe obje&offaith iseither fome fpeciall and fingularpromife, and that both for the doing of fomeextraordinary effe&,wherein we trutfbya miracu- lous active faith;and forthe obtainingoffome fpirituallor bodily good thingafter an extraordinary manner, where onwe troff byamiraculouspaffïve faith, as it is called : or elk faith doth refpe& the"generall and common promìfes, which aremade in the word of life, and madegood to them that beleeve,whereonwe reflby faith ordinary. But faith Miraculous andOrdinary are not divers gra-' B a c_es, Ads 6.7. & I ;.ú. Gal. I. z3. & 3zs z3,24. s. John 5, 46,4.7. John z.zz,z;. Luke 24.zí. As 26.27. 6 Rom. i .8. Gal 6:to. Alts 14. zz. Mat.9.z. t Theft 2.3. 4. 3 Sorts ofFaith. Jam.z.19.z4. Ads 26.27. Hiftorical l Faith. a z Faith Miracu- lous. tCor.13.z..; Mat.zt.zr. & 7. zz. Marke9.z3. Ads 149. Luke 17.19.