Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

104 A Funeral-Sermon on After theAet of Uniformity had taken its effed, in the Ejection of fo many Miniflers , there was fometimes a Connivance at the private Exercife of their Minifiry, fömetime publick Indulgencegran- ted, and often a fevere Profecuti- on of them, as the Popifh and Politick Intereft of the Court va- ried. When there was Liberty, Mr. Baxter applyed himfelf to his delightful Work, to the great Advantage of thofe who enjoys cd his Miniflry. But theChurch- Party oppos'd vehemently the Li- berty thanwas granted. Indeed fuch was their F'iercenefs,that ifthe Dif crating Minifters had seen as wife as Serpents, and as innocent as Doves, they could not efcape their deep Cenfures. The Pulpit reprefented them as feditioufly difaffeded to the State, as oblii- nate Schifniaticks, and often the Name of God was not onely taken