Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

A Funeral-Sermon on Allufon is very congruous, that God will fulfil his own Law to his Sons that ferve hire. The Reward not abide with hire the long dark Interval, the Night, wherein their Bodies fleep in theGrave, till theMor- ning of the Refurreaion. Our Saviour promifed the dying Pe- nitent, To day fhalt thou be with me in Paradife. The End of our Faith is immediately attended with the Salvation of the Soul The Labour of Faith being ñ- nifh'd,is produaive of thebeati- fick Vifion in theState ofLight and Glory. TheSum is,That the Children of God, who have by confiant Converfation fincerely endeavoured to pleafe and glo- rify him, may with an entire Refignation commit their Souls to his Hands, as if an Angel were fent from Heaven to them in their dying Agonies, with the