Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

Mr. Richard Baxter. 75 Equality the low& Saints are Princes of the Blood-Royal of Heaven. Tohim that hies wafhed yes from our Sins in his Blood, and Revel. 3. made its Kings andPriefts toGod, be Glory ",;:. ever. The íìló ' - '0,tion toGod in- clines and encourages all tincere Chriílians to refign themfelves, even in their moll aft-lifted Con- dition, to theWifdom, and Will of God. Our Saviour meekly yielded up himfelf to his cruel Enemies, upon this Con1dera- tion, The Cup which my has given me, (hall I not drink it ? The Saints in imitation of Chriíf, and upon the fame Ground, entirely reign them- felves to the Divine Difpofal ; for their Heavenly Father loves them better than they can love themfelves. Finally, The filial Relation toGod is produEive as of live- 'y